As a part of World Quality Month, World Quality Day was celebrated on 10th November 2022 at PVUNL Patratu. On this occasion a QUALITY MARCH was organized at Patratu site, which was led by Shri S.K. Panda (GM-Project) associated by Shri Anjani Prakash Shrivastava (GM-CCD), Shri K. Sampath Kumar (GM-FQA), Shri Sanjay Kumar (AGM-ME) and other executives. This march has started from administrative building and concluded at FQA Building wherein many executives and employees from PVUNL, BHEL and their sub-agencies had participated.
This walk was followed by taking Quality Pledge near FQA building for achieving the set goals by ensuring implementation of set Quality Systems & procedures in every activity at Patratu project. The pledge was administered by GM-Projects in English and by GM-CCD in Hindi. The pledge was taken by employees of PVUNL, BHEL and staff and workers of contracting agencies to demonstrate the highest commitment to quality assurance by ensuring the timeline in every aspect with integrity, customer focus and safety